Sunday, November 24, 2013

11/24 #oklaed questions

#oklaed questions 11/24
Finding the balance between building relationships and discipline with students

Q1) How important are relationships with students in your current position? What does it look like? #oklaed
Q2) Think of the most effective teacher/admin you know.  What does building student relationships look like in their role? #oklaed
Q3) How does a lack of relationships with students affect student learning? Examples. #oklaed
Q4) How do relationships, or a lack thereof, affect student behavior? Examples. #oklaed
Q5) If consequences must occur for student behavior, what is the purpose of the consequence? Punishment or discipline? #oklaed
Q6) Should discipline in the classroom (or in the office) be adjusted due to established relationships? Why or why not? #oklaed
Q7) If it should be adjusted, how do you handle noticed differences? If it shouldn't be adjusted, how do you handle SpEd limitations for example? #oklaed
Q8) How do you help other faculty members who struggle with relationship building or discipline that is off the mark? #oklaed
Q9) What professional development have you attended that you consider highly effective in these areas? #oklaed

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Importance of Play

Tonight's #oklaed chat was about blogging and I realized it had been a while since I blogged last.  I put so much stress on myself to make sure that it is a certain length or of "high importance".  I'm not sure how I decide what an appropriate length is or what topics are of high enough importance.  Don't ask me, because I honestly can't tell you.  I've decided that is silly.

I originally started blogging to share my ideas with others.  However, if I wait around for lots of quality time to produce the "just right" blog it isn't going to happen.  My husband laughs at me all the time, because I have the Goldilocks complex.  I want things to be "just right" and it often doesn't happen.  Then I stress and get things done, and it usually involves tears at home. (That's a completely separate blog - importance of stress)

That being said, hopefully you'll start seeing more blogs from me.  They may be short and sometimes the topics may just be something trivial.  Sometimes we just need to relax and have some fun, even at work.

This brings me to the current topic - the importance of play.  I went to the Ethical Leadership Conference at the end of September and one of the speakers was Dr. Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist and author.  He spoke on the importance of play in our lives.  It was great and motivational, but I just took notes and went on to the next session like a good little doctoral student.  The idea stuck with me though and it has been percolating since then.  And like all good coffee, there comes a time when it's finished percolating and needs to be enjoyed.

Play is a natural part of who we are.  Sometimes as adults we try to suppress play, but it is so important to our mental, physical, and emotional health.  It helps us get to possibility in our lives.  It provides freedom and opens up the process to more creative and imaginative thought.  For adults, sometimes the play is physical, but at other times it's mental (word play, problem solving, banter).  Have you ever noticed how many ideas come to mind when you take the time to exercise or engage in a game of some sort?  We need play in our lives.  We need to allow our mind to relax so that it can process through all of the information we take in on a daily basis.

My life has been busy lately.  With work, doctoral classes, church, and family I found myself beginning to stress.  At work, we have decided to have random "make them wonder" days just for the faculty.  Last month we had "duck dynasty" day and this month we had "swag" day.  The kids have loved it, but more importantly it has allowed the faculty to just do something crazy while at school.  Tensions lessen and people relax.  Their creative juices start flowing again.

At home I've not been having much fun.  We decided today to go on a long walk as a family.  It got my brain relaxed and helped me sort through all of the stuff going on in life.  I came back more relaxed, but more focused as well.  It allowed me time to process through everything, prioritize items, and come up with creative ways of accomplishing everything.  My family is too important to not enjoy life.  Play needs to be an integral part of my life to keep me focused and inspired.  I plan on making time each day to play, especially on those super busy days.

Here's an awesome God part in this story.  Wednesday is my birthday and I had been thinking about some small things that I wanted for my birthday, something I rarely do.  I'm not big on presents for myself.  After a birthday dinner last night I told Hank that I wanted to go by the bookstore and see if they had Dr. Michaelis' book.  I didn't find it, so I randomly DMed him on Twitter today to see if I could somehow get a signed copy of his book.  He will be back in OKC on Tuesday of this week.  I love when God does random little things like that just to show how much He cares for me.