Saturday, August 24, 2013

Irons in the Fire

The week was our first week back at school with students.  We started on a Monday this year.  Oh my goodness, there is a reason we usually start on a Thursday or Friday.  Every child and adult in the building was exhausted by Friday afternoon.  You could visibly see it on everyone's faces as they walked/ran out the door on Friday.

That being said it was a wonderful start to this new year.  So many changes happening in our district and building, but we still had a peaceful and great start.  There is a peace around the building that is fantastic.  New initiatives are underway and while they may seem daunting to some at the moment I know they will ease into them nicely once they get more acquainted with them.  We added reading into the schedule for every student this year and have built in remediation during the day for students struggling to meet proficiency levels.  I'm sure I'll blog about these as we go through this school year.  I moved up to 8th grade assistant principal  this year as well.  I'm looking forward to working with the older students to prep them for high school.

On the home-front we have been attending adoption classes through DHS this month.  We have one more class and then our home studies this next week.  Once those items are complete, we should be ready to begin looking at child(ren) placement.  The classes have been exhausting, especially since they coincided with the beginning of the school year.  27 hours of training in the evenings is killer, but worth it.  The kids are super excited about the prospect of our new addition to the family.  Every time we return from class, our youngest asks if they said we could have a kid yet.  We spent the summer, simplifying our home and prepping for additions into the family.  I cannot wait to meet the child(ren) that God has planned to join our family.

This spring, our district proposed to start a cohort through the University of Oklahoma in the Educational Administration in Curriculum and Supervision Doctoral Program.  I am so excited to have been accepted into this program.  We began our first classes this past week, coinciding with the first week of school.  Luckily, we only meet once a week.  The workload will be tremendous, but the outcome will be worth it.  My husband is more excited about the fact that it is through OU than anything.  It'll feed his passion for college football more.  I am so thankful that he is so encouraging and supportive of all my educational endeavors.  

At church we are in the process of announcing our vision plan for the next 5 years.  We are unveiling it Sunday after church.  I look forward to these plans with great anticipation.  I'll be sharing more about it in the coming months I'm sure.

As I spent time with my kids this evening, I was thankful for the precious time I have with them.  I may have many irons in the fire right now, but God has a plan for each of them.  He will give me the stamina and endurance I need to stay the course.  I missed my kids this week in the evenings, when I was working on various parts of all these areas.  I am thankful that I am given time to enjoy them between the craziness and look forward to things slowing down a bit in a week or two.

Some may look at all the things I have going on right now and think I am crazy.  If I were looking from the outside in I would probably think the same thing.  Fortunately, I know the plans He has prepared for me, and I know the outcome will be good.  In the meantime, if I look tired, it's probably because I am.  Who isn't these days?

Saturday, August 10, 2013


We all want to feel empowered, like we can do what it is we need to do to be successful.  Remember last week when I was feeling anxious and didn't know why?  I hated that feeling.  My husband is so good at encouraging me and helping me to focus on the positives in my life.  It redirects me and always empowers me.  I am so thankful that he does this for me.  Sometimes I just get overwhelmed and begin to doubt myself and my calling and purpose.  I know I am capable of being successful in the various areas of my life.  Sometimes I just forget and need a gentle reminder and the empowerment to continue moving forward.

We all have people in our lives that need to be empowered.  Who is your main supporter?  The person who encourages you and empowers you to press on?  Who in your life are you meant to encourage and empower?

Our children/family need to be empowered by us to try new things and know that we'll always love them even when they struggle.  Knowing they are loved no matter what will empower them to blossom into the person God has created them to be.

In education, we need to empower our students/colleagues to take risks as they learn or teach.  We need to remind them that the only true failure is when we give up, stop trying, and settle for less than the best.  We need to hold them accountable to being the best they can be.  This past week I was visiting with two teachers, who are fabulous.  They were at work on their own time working on lesson plans based on the changes made as we move to Common Core.  I could see the overwhelming look in their faces, that same overwhelming feeling I had experienced the previous weekend.  I am so thankful that I recognized it and was able to remind them of their skill and empower them.  They are fabulous and just needed that nudge to press on.

As a church we need to be encouraging each other to step out of our comfort zones and to share the love of God with others.  We need to be holding each other accountable to spiritual growth.  We need to be reminding each other that we have a God-given purpose and empowering each other to press on toward that purpose.  What greater encouragement could there be?!  If God has called us to carry out a task then He has prepared us to complete that task faithfully.  That is empowering.

What are you called to do?  Do you trust that you are capable of doing it?  Be empowered as you carry out those tasks.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Where's your focus?

I have had so much fun this summer.  It has been completely relaxing and productive at the same time.  My kids are at the age that we can enjoy doing more activities with them.  We were able to take a wonderful family vacation to Disney with my mom, stepdad, brother, and niece.  They were able to ride everything for the most part and really enjoy all of the parks.  We rented a house together and spent some quality time together as a family.  We figured this would be the last summer for a while to be able to do this since I'm starting my doctoral program at OU this fall.

We also got season passes to the OKC Riversport which has kayaking, ziplines, ropes courses, and a ton of other stuff.  It amazes me how active our kids are and how willing they are to step out and try new things.  We bowled a lot since it is free for kids during the summer and the pass for adults is super cheap.  Every time we bowled we made up different names for us by theme.  We cleaned out and simplified our house in preparation for the addition of another child when we complete the adoption process through OKDHS.  This allowed us to get some things done around the house that we've put off doing and to prioritize the remaining honey-do list.  It has been busy, but stress free for the most part.

My oldest is entering middle school.  She is super excited to be a part of the youth group at church.  She can't wait to pick up her instrument for band.  She is bugging every day about it and we just haven't made the trip to get it yet.  Our middle child will be in 5th grade and is thrilled to be in advanced math again this year.  She loves it.  Our youngest can't wait to start 1st grade.  Things are in full swing here as we prepare for school to start for them.  Supplies are purchased.  Backpacks are ready.  They just need to meet their teachers and await the first day of school.

And then comes the time for me to go back to work.  I usually look forward to this with great expectation, typically because like any parent I've had my fill of time with the kids.  But I've enjoyed this summer very much as previously stated...more than usual.  I returned to work this last Tuesday.  I am excited to get back to work.  I love where I work.  I love the adults and the children with whom I work.  I moved upstairs to be the eighth grade principal.  It has taken me several days to move my belongings and I'm still not completely set up.  I have boxes to unpack before I'll really feel settled in and focused.  I'm excited to see how all the new changes in staff, schedule, and expectations will impact our students.  

But, there is this anxiety that I have felt each night since returning.  I can feel it beginning as I drive home, rising in my chest.  I'm not sure where it is coming from.  I don't know if it is because I have sat in meetings and haven't done much else or what.  My to-do list is growing, but I haven't checked anything off of it.  Whatever it is, I need it to go away.  It is making the last bit of summer for my kids not so fun.  I want to finish out their summer with them in the same stress-free manner which we have experienced all summer long.  I need to focus on the great things in my life.  I don't even know what is causing the anxiety, so I don't know what to fix.  I have a great God and a great family.  I shouldn't feel this anxiety.  It is stupid.  I am so fortunate to have so many blessings in my life that I should be able to focus on those.  Lord, help me to focus on You and the blessings you have given in my life.